The Best Way To Get Soap Out Of Carpet

Are you having problems cleaning the carpet? Does your carpet show stains just after cleaning it up with soap? No need to worry anymore. We got you here. The main reason for stains showing just after cleaning it up is the soap sticking with the fibers of the carpet. You might wonder what is the … Read more

How to Clean Glass off Carpet? 5 Simple Steps


There are many ways that can damage your carpet permanently. Spilling water or spilling coffee can damage your carpet severely.  Broken glass is one of the big reasons to damage carpets severely. If you are not aware of that then there are a lot of causes that can damage your carpet permanently by ripping and … Read more

Is Carpet Cleaning Hard Work?

an adult man cleaning carpet

It is a common question among many people if carpet cleaning is hard work to do. The answer is yes, it is hard work to do if the carpet is very old and has too much soil. The more the age of the carpet and the amount of soil, the more problems will only increase. … Read more

Best Way To Get Mud Out Of Carpet

a kid playing with lot of mud

Mud stains and dirt are very familiar things to carpet owners. These give a good headache if they are not taken care of carefully.  There are some procedures you have to follow correctly if you want to remove mud stains from your carpet. You also have to use the proper chemical item for this thing.  … Read more

Can You Use Fabuloso On Carpets? Find Out Now

cleaning carpet stain

Most people recognize fabuloso as a predominant cleaner which is used on hard surfaces like rooftops and floors, or you may even try it on any other surface.  But the versatility of Fabuloso is unknown to most people. You can use it as a multipurpose cleaner but do you know that Fabuloso can also be … Read more

How Often Should You Vacuum  Your Carpet? 

It’s a common question among people who have carpet in Their homes; how often they should clean their carpet. Well, today we’ll talk about that based on real life experience.  But first, let me give you the answer. You should vacuum your carpet at least two times a week. You don’t have to clean or … Read more